Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy New Year! I know, it's February!

Well, I finally logged on again.
Let's see how this is going to work.
I'm trying!!!!!!
Give me that!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Trying to pick up the pieces

I decided to start the Bro. Gary diet this morning.
I will reveal what it is if it works.

I had oatmeal again for breakfast. I actually like oatmeal.

Until later,
lose cheese, lose weight.

Founder and CEO
Cheeseoholics Anonymous

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I'm baack!

To be honest. This daily writing thing is not working.
Well, I am going to make it work.

Oatmeal! I've not had oatmeal in a while! So that's a good thing.

Until later...
Lose Cheese--Lose Weight

Founder and CEO
Cheeseoholics Anonymous

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Blog? What Blog?

See, that is one major problem. Start and stop. I forgot to record anything the past couple of days, not to mention I was really busy. At any rate, let's start this up again. It is morning now and I just got up, so...there is nothing to record here. I will log on later and report my daily menu.

Until then...

Lose Cheese -- Lose Weight

OK, I am picking up from this morning, because I had an awesome lunch and must share!
Actually I'll just post daily, but edit and revise and needed to keep one post per day.

Honeycomb cereal
1 bottle of water

Salmon lettuce wraps
Juice (too much sugar)

Founder and CEO
Cheeseoholics Anonymous

Saturday, August 23, 2008

2nd day cheese free...I think

Yeah, I made it today without cheese, but I do not know if my choices were wise.
Let's see.


After church meeting, small corn on cob, roll, and three little chocolates (oops) I knew it!

I knew something was different. Dairy in chocolates. I knew I wasn't supposed to have it but got excited as she handed out little chocolates to everyone after church. This should really be about dairy-free, but cheese is really the culprit. Maybe it has something to do with the way it is made.

Shrimp and snapper with fries and sweet tea.
I ate way too much, because the helpings were way too large.
I ate them over time, but still too much.

I took my multivitamin this morning.

OK, that's about it.

Nothing here to see or read :)

Until tomorrow.

I have to remember, no milk chocolate.

I drank 1 bottle of orange juice and 1 bottle of water.

I must drink more water.

Lose cheese--lose weight!

Founder and CEO
Cheeseoholics Anonymous

Friday, August 22, 2008

First Posting and Launch of Blog!

Hello all!

My name is Ternura (Hi Ternura!) And I am a Cheeseoholic.

Today August 22, is the launching of this blog for those who have a negative impact with the addiction of cheese. Trust me. I believe cheese makes the world go-round. It is why we exist and it makes the world a better place. Well, as much as I love cheese, I must confess, It does not love me.

In December of 2006, I founded Cheese-a-holic Anonymous (now Cheeseoholic Anonymous) and I had one member. I have to check to see if said member is successful. At any rate, upon the founding I was serious in my endeavor and it resulted in the loss of 80 lbs. Yes I said it 80 big ones! I lost the in less than an year. Now here it is 2 years later after the initial commitment and I gained every single pound back.

What happened? I will tell you. I can not remember the exact day or the exact hour, but it was cheese. I think I saw something and could not resist just a sampling of it. I think that is how it happened and I was OK, so I thought. Then the next thing I knew, I was eating cheese grits every single day. Every single day. I was out of control all over again. I was in cheese heaven. Any form or smell or hint of cheese, I was there! And here I am today back at a weight I never imagined in a million years.

Well, enough of the drama. Time to get back on the wagon. I feel off, now it is time to get back up.

Let me tell you what I ate this morning, and afternoon and I will be doing this everyday with a little humor, entertaining story, or just a simple hello to monitor my progress. Feel free to become a part of this launching. Some of you may not even know cheese is the culprit. I know I feel so guilty I feel like a traitor to turn on something I love :) At any rate. Here I go!

I will have it more organized later, but now I must simply write what I ate starting NOW!
1 bowl of alpha-bits (I think I am tired of them now)

1 bowl of lettuce with tuna and sesame dressing (I got this dairy free dressing from Japan)

oh! and one bottle of water.

I am going to purchase some multivitamins today. I used to take vitamins daily, and I think that contributed to my off balance of craving cheese again. I guess. We will see.

Wish me well, and until tomorrow...
Lose Cheese--Lose Weight

Founder and CEO
Cheeseoholics Anonymous